March 2020 POV on Coronavirus

DFP March 2020 POV

Our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by COVID-19 and we appreciate the healthcare workers, local communities, and governments around the world who are on the front line working to contain this coronavirus.

We’re advising all of our clients and business partners to first and foremost- stay safe and healthy. Take the advice of our leading health care professionals, wash your hands and maintain good hygiene. Whether it be in your office or place of work, it’s important that you let your employees and customers know that you’re remaining vigilant in this practice.

Let your employees and customers know that you’re closely monitoring the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local health agencies for the latest developments related to COVID-19 and following the guidance of government and public health officials.

It’s important that you let them know that your business is reinforcing these agencies’ recommendations on the appropriate health and safety measures within your own teams.

Your employees will be comforted in knowing that your offices are a safe place to work. Your customers will be comforted in knowing that your retail store, hotel, or restaurant is a safe place to visit. Let them know that your establishment is open for business and inform them of all the steps taken to ensure your business is a clean and safe environment. This could be an email to your loyal customers, posts on your website and social media channels, and newsletters and brochures. We’re happy to help assist in this regard.

We will get through this together, and are ready to support our partners in any way we can.

Your DFP Team


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